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Monday, March 1, 2010

Flatty Patty - gadget purse

by jenelyn

Flatty Patty sat on a wall
Flatty Patty is kinda small

Beside her was a tasty treat...
a USB full of meat

"Oh Yum!" she said
"Another to put inside my head!"

So with all her might
She sucked it up 
to her appetite's delight

Once it was in her reach
she nibbled like a leech

and when she was almost done
flatty patty was suddenly stunned

"What am I doing?!" She cried
"My dreams of being flat could've died!
Eating 8 GB of meat
would've turned me into a beet!"

so out came about that USB.
with it's large memory.

Flatty Patty lets out a sigh of relief
as she conquered a chronic feat
of eating all juicy gadgets found
and throwing it up
with no abound.

This is the life and story of Miss Flatty Patty,
a gadget purse who is only happy
when she is a big  flattieeeeee.


MisS flatty Patty is just a gadget purse that I made in mind for little accessories that I have that are all over my purse like my iphone charger, ear buds, or USBs. It comes with a lanyard type of thing on the side to make it convenient to carry around. I hope this can fit a digital camera. Like the poem/story, Miss Flatty Patty is meant to eat up gadgets and throw it up when you have to use it.  She is padded and made out of cute fabric patterns. Her keychain part is made out of suede! She is really cute.

It's 4 am again. noooo. goodnite ya'll.